Friday, December
19, 2003
Some minor updates to
the links page.
as a number of
people have inquired: No further news on "Zork IV" so
Wednesday, September
24, 2003
The site moved to a new
server yesterday evening and due to this move may have been unreachable
for most of you.
Apologies for any inconvenience
this may have caused.
Also the Wednesday updates
seem to evolve into a pattern.
Wednesday, August
13, 2003
"Lane Mastodon"
was missing from Steve
Meretzky's biography, which has now been corrected.
Wednesday, July
30, 2003
A working title for Zork
IV has been announced: "Zork IV: Grueslayer."
Saturday, May
17, 2003
Recent news have it that
Activision is planning a "Zork IV." Ken Love, producer
at Activision, confirmed the rumor in an email, but also said that
the deal is not yet finalized.
Friday, May 9,
Yet another update to
the "Where to buy"
page, as Interdata Developments seemingly didn't receive the
shipment expected for January 2003, and also some additional changes
to the information on the page in general.