Zork Download and Installation Instructions
DOS / Windows

Please follow these instructions to download and run the games:

  • Open Windows Explorer, select a target drive and/or directory, click on File in upper left corner, choose New and Folder. You may name this folder any way you like. If you download more than one Zork, make a folder for each.
  • Click on the link to the Zork you wish to download. A window will open, click OK.
  • Another window will open, asking where you want to save the game (zork1.zip, zork2.zip, zork3.zip). Select the folder you created above and click Save.
  • In Windows Explorer, go to your folder and unpack the game by doubleclicking on zork1.zip (zork2.zip, zork3.zip). This step requires an extraction program like WinZip installed on your system.
  • Have your extraction program unpack the game to the folder you created above.
  • In Windows Explorer go to your folder and doubleclick zork1.bat (zork2.bat, zork 3.bat) . You may also choose to leave Windows and do this step under DOS, if you don't want to run the game under Windows.
  • For further instructions look at the file readme.txt coming with each game.


Please follow these instructions to download and run the games:

  • Create a folder where you wish to save the game to. If you download more than one Zork, make a folder for each.
  • Click on the Zork you wish to download.
  • A window will open, asking where you want to save the game (zorki.hqx, zorkii.hqx, zorkiii.hqx). Select the folder you created above and click Save.
  • If your browser is configured to automatically expand *.hqx files, the files may be automatically extracted to your chosen folder.
  • If not, please use an extraction program like StuffIt to expand the files.
  • Go to your folder and start the game.
  • For further instructions look at the file readme.txt coming with each game.
  • If you have problems to run the games on OS X or later, please refer to this page for help.